Even if you've played every previous Mortal Kombat or are a fighting game expert, getting up to speed in Mortal Kombat 1 might be difficult. Mortal Kombat 1 introduces Kameo Fights, aid kharacters that can be summoned in combat to assist kombatants, and a stronger emphasis on aerial kombos.
we'll offer some tips and strategies to bring you up to speed with Mortal Kombat 1, whether you're a seasoned kombatant or just starting out. we hear you say. Really?" True, dear reader. Make careful to view this cutscene the first time you load up MK1, since it will play automatically. It's been a while. Few years have passed after MK11 and Aftermath, and the MK tale in MK1 is vastly different.
Unlike Mortal Kombat, which was released in 2009, this is a complete reboot. A lot has changed, and the introductory cutscene will catch you up and explain how much time has gone before you enter MK1's narrative mode. You may start the Kampaign without it, but you'll lose out on some important information. It's also narrated by Liu Kang. Who does not admire Liu Kang? We understand that no one enjoys tutorials. You payed for this game, and now you're here to punch people and pull off nasty Fatalities! But, before you enter the ring, you need learn how to throw a punch. Even the finest fighters must practice.
Mortal Kombat's lesson is located in the main menu under Learn, and it's excellent, ranking among the finest in the genre. MK1's tutorial will teach you through everything, including how to move and attack, employ Kameo Fighters, play offensive, defend yourself, read and use Frame Data, and play Neutral. These are important lessons. If you're a new player, it might be overwhelming, but you don't have to complete every lesson all at once. It's OK to practice the fundamentals before jumping into contests. Remember that the aim of a fighting game is to have fun, and learning to play successfully takes time, not seconds. Maintain a comfortable pace for yourself. You'll also receive Koins, which you can use to uncover interesting treasures in the Kollection!
Once you've mastered the fundamentals, go to Training Mode (or what we call "The Lab" in the FGC) and begin experimenting with other characters. You don't need to master showy kombos, intricate oki scenarios, or even your kharacter's neutral. Your current objective should be to experiment.
Experiment with your character's normal and special moves to determine what feels right. If you're really inquisitive, you can even look through their frame data to see if it helps you decide. You might also try some simple kombos to see what seems natural to you.
Don't get dismayed if no kharacters instantly pop out. Finding the right character in each fighting game is the most difficult aspect, and Mortal Kombat 1 is no exception. There is no exception. You are not required to locate the solution straight immediately. Simply experiment to find who you like. Okay, so you've gained some knowledge and maybe have a solid notion of some of the characters you enjoy. It's now time to begin the game! It might be quite tempting to spend all of your time in Training Mode, practicing kombos, testing characters, and learning new tech, but the best way to improve at a fighting game is to play it.
For a few reasons, we recommend starting with Mortal Kombat 1's Kampaign. First and foremost, it's a lot of fun. Second, Mortal Kombat 1's Kampaign mode allows you to play as most of the previous characters, giving you a solid understanding of how everyone operates in real-world match scenarios, so it's a perfect chance to determine which characters you favor in a low-stress setting. During matches, don't be afraid to delve into your move list to learn new strings, special moves, and anything else you want to know. Finishing the kampaign will provide access to Havik. Okay, OK. You've completed the campaign, you're familiar with some of the characters, and you're ready to enter into MK1 proper. Now it's time to master some skills that will help you no matter who you play with.
First and foremost, you should understand MK1's defensive techniques. That includes learning how to accomplish things that will serve you well in any fighting game (such as blocking low by default and attempting to respond to high strikes), as well as Mortal Kombat-specific mechanics such as combo breakers, faultless blocks, up blocks, and your many wakeup choices. Fortunately, the tutorial will teach you all you need to know, so you won't have to figure it out on your own. So you know how to play defense, at least in theory. It's time to pick a major character. There is no single solution to this. Some individuals choose their main because they look good, appreciate their tale or personality, connect with specific components of their kit, or have amazing kombos or Fatalities. There is no one correct approach to choose a character, but we can provide some pointers.
To begin, enter training mode and experiment with their fundamental strings and special movements. See what feels right for you. You'll be playing this character for a long time, so it's important to appreciate how they feel and what they can do after they strike you. Playing with people who are at or near your skill level is one of the finest ways to improve at any fighting game. Playing with friends is a terrific opportunity to practice matches, try out combinations, strengthen your defense, and progress as a group.
Having a training partner is essential for improving, but don't be hesitant to approach individuals you play with online or join Discords to find someone to play against. Yes, grinding ranked matches is an important aspect of improving, but you'll benefit more by playing with a regular squad and exchanging tech.
You'll also require a broad notion of what movements you should use in neutral, as well as the range your character has.
Writing By Kennedy Lucas Patterson
Head Editor Kennedy Lucas
Presented By "Kennedy Lucas & Associates
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